Monday, May 30, 2011

Jedward about Tokio Hotel

FOCUS Online: Do you know Tokio Hotel?
John: [sings "Running through the monsoon..."]
Edward: They are twins, we are twins. Many of our fans are Tokio Hotel fans. Now that we are here in Germany, I would really like to meet them.
John: We have bought their records. They have really good songs. I love "Automatic".
Both: [they sing "Automatic" and know the entire text]
Edward: I remember their performance at the MTV European Music Awards, and as the rain fell down on them. That was really great. And Bill has great hair!
John: The twins from Tokio Hotel appear to be very different compared to us: one twin has styled his hair wildly upward, the other one has dreads. One twin sings, the other one plays the guitar. We, on the other hand, are really twins.

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